Friday, January 21, 2011

Weekend Playlist #1

A few tracks to start your weekend right! Heading out to party? Clubbing? Whatever you're doing, these tracks will kick off your weekend right.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

End Of Days?

Lately there's been news of birds falling out of the sky, fishes drowning, and I just read something about cows falling over dead (Ground Beef!). It's clear what's happening. The Apocalypse, Ragnarok, The Second Coming of Jesus. Call it what you will, but its obvious that those Mayans were on to something when they figured out shit was hitting the fan in 2012. But don't fret! Here's a list of things to make your last few months on Earth a blast!

Now, I've never personally used cocaine, but from what I've heard, it's some pretty great stuff! Imagine spending your last precious moments tweeked outta your mind. Sounds nice, right?

2.Sex With Fat Chicks
Cuz they need love too.

Get a move on! Animals are dropping dead left and right, hell by the time you're done reading, they could all be gone.

4.Disney Cruise
Sounds weird I know, but imagine being jacked up off coke, banging a fat chick, and hunting mickey all while enjoying the amenities that can only be found on a luxury cruise liner. Exactly.

Thank me in the after-life