I chose Football and my friends chose basketball and football. When we played baseball as young fellas, coaches and Little League officials in my community played the Coaches son card and somewhat the race card. Playing time , respect on the field, and off, were key microcosms that played into the role of kids in the black community playing baseball. As me and my friends got older, playing baseball in middle school and high school were after thoughts. See from little league on up coaches on the High school and Middle school level already have favorites and picks . Unless you are a standout that cant be denied. Even when you are talented these coaches would change your natural position and stick you somewhere, where you aren't necessarily comfortable at. Many black baseball players growing up in America probably can relate to this same sort of thing. Until we give everyone equal opportunity to be who they truly are in whatever it may be, Baseball players, CEO's, Judges, we will all continue to go separate ways instead of joining and unifying. 7% of African American males represent Major League Baseball rosters at the beginning of the 2013 baseball season. YOU DO THE MATH!! But baseball is Americas great Past Time supposedly. But the rich suits that runs baseball don't care about those percentages. Just the percentages that equal $$$!
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