Deon Cole (Of Conan fame) said it best, black men need mustaches. We look weird without em. But what about white guys? I decided I'd run through a list of most of the lip fur I see white guys rockin. Enjoy.
1. The Tom Selleck: Straight mustache magic right here. Its classic and well kept. It adds a certain classiness to your face. Can't go wrong with this one.
2. The Porn Star: Creepy. Avoid the guy rocking this thing AT ALL COSTS.
3. The Hipster: First off, fuck hipsters. Secondly fuck their old timey turned up handle bar mustaches. I wonder how much hair wax they go through a month?
4. The Dirt Stache: Barely a mustache, more like somebody took some dirt and glued it to your face. Commonly seen on the weird mouth breathing kids that sit in the back of the classroom as they they go over their Dungeon & Dragons strategy.
you are hilarious! what about the dirty old know that one thats so thick its like the can hide food inside of by the way this is brittefres