Thursday, June 16, 2011

Album Review: House Of Balloons

Let me start by saying that this album is fucking great. It's unlike anything I've ever heard. How would I describe it? Sex(The man put a fuckin titty on the cover!). Drugs. Love. Lust. Passion. Regret. Despair. Those words perfectly describe the album that The Weeknd has created. Where should we start dissecting the album? How about the production.
It's superb. It actually sounds like it all could have been produced by Drake's right hand man Noah "40" Shebib. Remember that Drake/Trey Songz track "Succesful"? Most of the music is very similar to that. Lots of synths, drums, and ambient noises. The production was also handled by the same two guys over the whole album, so it sounds like it all belongs together. There won't be any tracks that sound out of place here. Although this makes for a solid listen, the songs do tend to run together and after a while you tend to forget exactly what song you're listening to. But if you're just looking for music to vibe to, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Now lets talk about the lyrics. I don't even know where to start. The album is filled with lines that just ooze sex, drugs, and braggadocio. Lines like "I think I'm fuckin gone Trollin on this floor Messin up your carpet I'll get on it after 4 More sessions of this drug on the floor Shoulda fucked you raw" let you know exactly where this guy's head is. On another song he tells one of his females that she'll "Wanna be high for this". Really? I've never told a chick that she should get high before we fuck. And it's not just weed this man is interested in. Lean, ecstasy, cocaine, and god knows what else come up over the course of the album. It's clear that this guy likes to party. What's also clear is that he has some serious relationship issues. Whether it's his or someone else's. On "What You Need" he sings "He's what you want, I'm what you need" so watch out fellas because this guy WILL smang your girl. Failed relationships are a big part of this album, and on track 7 (Coming Down) we find out why. It's his love of drugs of course! The entire track is him letting his lonely lady know that he only loves her when he's "coming down". The drugs, drank, and skeezers make him prone to cheating on the girl he's promised to remain faithful to. The album is definitely worth listening to for the picture this guy is painting. Its a look into a world myself and countless others will never be apart of.
How's the entire album as a whole? Phenomenal. Aside from a weird rap/sing verse he does on one track and a bit of repetitiveness this album is a great listen. And you'd think because he's singing about drugs, sex with random skeezers, and failed relationships this album wouldn't be one you'd play for your lady friends. Wrong. It's home to some of the sexiest music I've ever heard. The production mixed with the man's voice is guaranteed to drop a few panties. So if you're looking to sex up a couple people this weeknd (see what I did there?), looking for new music, or perhaps just bored, make sure you check this out. You won't be disappointed.
Download- The Weeknd- House Of Balloons

Sample Music Below!

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