Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Time

We're back at it again! And one of the hottest current topics I can bring you alongside music and movies is...this Fall season.  If you don't know why, let me enlighten you.  Fall brings to us the hoody/sweats weather that so many like; the peaceful apple orchards; and what many kids today like to call "cuffing season".  Now if you're like me, I'm sure you just got annoyed by those two words, but there is definitely something there that catches the eye.
The weather is usually nice and peaceful in the Fall time.  Not scorching hot like the summer and not nearly as cold as the winter.  It's the perfect medium to just cuddle up in your comfortable clothes.  If you haven't been shopping yet, make sure you snatch up some hoodies and sweatpants so you don't miss out on the Fall feel.
Two words EVERYONE should implant in their brains during the Fall: Apple. Orchards.  Apple orchards are truly great for any age - I know many young adults are thinking how in the hell is an apple orchard for me?! But just bare with me.  Little kids love apple orchards.  They can run and jump around and pick apples.  Tire them suckers out for nap time.  Old people like them because....well, do I really need to give you reasons?  I'm sure they're just enjoying what time they have to do these small things.  And my generation?  We benefit the most.  PERFECT place to take a woman on a first, random or special date.  Cool enough for a little polite touching (let's keep it PG) like holding hands, arm around the shoulder, or you could even be a little more chivalrous and lend her your jacket.
  1. Inexpensive
  2. Food/snacks
  4. Peaceful/INTIMATE enviroment
And to save the best for last: Cuffing Season [insert laughs here].  The cooler weather brings the feeling of wanting to be with someone; and every year, it never fails.  When it gets down to it, that's what people want.  The Fall time is when everyone mututally feels that way and wants to have someone there to cuddle up with.  And if where you are is anything like this Michigan weather, those rainy days can really put a damper on being alone.
So throw on some sweats, keep a cuddle buddy on standby, grab some carmel apples and enjoy your Fall.

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